Startseite Allgemeines NordEstate AG-not a good corporate balance sheet

NordEstate AG-not a good corporate balance sheet


So the company advertises itself:

The basic of Nord Estate has been to draw benefits from the attractive opportunities for property acquisition that the recent years of challenges in the financial market provided. This has meant the creation of a solid portfolio and has secured a foundation for long-­term stable earnings. The investments has been done as a focused acquisition of residential and commercial properties in Germany and Denmark, where the management has shown their experience, skills, and innovation. NordEstate operates in all respects in accordance with sound business principles and with the objective to establish long lasting relationships with investors as well as partners. It is the overriding goal of the company to utilize competencies in order to generate a competitive ROI while observing a conservative risk profile.

In 2015 further acquisitions will be made and in addition, NordEstate expects to invest in property development projects. NordEstate is expanding and will hire more employees during 2015. In this regard NordEstate must continue to be a desirable workplace where the best qualified personnel work and develop as individuals and colleagues in a pleasant environment for the greater good of the Company’s clients and business partners, the employees themselves, and not least the Company shareholders. A main focus of NordEstate is how best to accomplish the task, and on-­going evaluations will determine which tasks to keep in-­house and which to outsource to our skilled business Partners.

Now the company has released its latest corporate balance sheet. No good corporate balance sheet. net loss  476,590.01 Euro


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