Startseite Allgemeines Renault boss Ghosn offers deal for release

Renault boss Ghosn offers deal for release


Renault boss Carlos Ghosn, who is imprisoned in Japan, offers concessions in return for release to the Tokyo court. The car manager yesterday promised to stay in Japan, should he be released on bail. In addition, he wanted to fulfill all the conditions that would impose the court.

The ex-Nissan boss protested again in a statement his innocence. He looks forward to defending his reputation in the courtroom. Ghosn’s lawyer, however, assumes that the 64-year-old should remain in prison until the trial. The trial may only start in six months.

For two months in custody

Ghosn has been in custody since November 19 in Japan. Reason are allegations that concern his role as former boss of the Renault sister company Nissan. The manager should have stated his income too low.

In addition, the prosecutor Ghosn accused of serious breach of trust. The court had already rejected a request for bail in the past week. According to the prosecution, Ghosn face up to 15 years imprisonment. He says he is „unlawfully accused“.

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