Startseite Allgemeines Suisse Coin- auf der aktuellen Warnliste der Schweizer Finanzmarktaufsicht

Suisse Coin- auf der aktuellen Warnliste der Schweizer Finanzmarktaufsicht


Onecoin, Bitcoin und jetzt Suiss Coin: Erneut ist ein Angebot einer „Ersatzwährung“ in den Fokus der FINMA geraten.

Hier die Eigendarstellung des Unternehmens auf seiner aktuellen Webseite, vor dem die FINMA aktuell warnt:

We hear it every day – free markets, global trade, unlimited opportunities, digital trading; we are getting more and more involved in the interconnected digital world. New circumstances require new methods – the appearance of cryptocurrency less than 10 years ago might have seemed as one of those impossible, crazy ideas, but today there are more than 200 digital currencies in existence and their number is growing. Each of us knows the story of a person, who got famous for seizing that strange, unthinkable, absolutely mad idea back then, which afterwards changed the world completely and put him on top of the world. Ideas are constantly changing; people who dare to take the risk and think outside of the box today, are the leaders of tomorrow. Technologies offer a vast array of new opportunities, but 90% of them don’t live long enough to see wide publicity. What makes the difference between them and the really successful ideas is the combination of the right timing and the appropriate innovation.

Why the cryptocurrency is the right kind of currency?
    Why are we suspicious towards new things? It is humanly intrinsic to be afraid of the unknown. One respects his ancestors’ heritage and rightly so, as these are the tools and means that enabled them to survive. It is only natural to be compelled to follow in the same track. As early as the Middle Ages, man had created a financial system suited to his environment and life conditions. Our ancestors needed middlemen and security, because crossing the seas with goods or money brought risks. The first “bank-notes” were a personal document issued to traveling merchants by bankers at both sides of the ocean, which secured the trading between the Old and the New world. The first bank to begin the permanent issue of banknotes was the Bank of England in 1695. Initially hand-written and issued on deposit or as a loan, they promised to pay the bearer the value of the note on demand. Standardized printed notes ranging from £20 to £1,000 appeared аround 1745. Fully printed notes that didn’t require the name of the payee and the cashier’s signature first appeared in 1855. Nowadays, government-issued banknotes are only abstract exchanging tools. So why do we consider the material papers as trustworthy, but denounce the digital currency as too abstract? The cryptocurrencies are universal digital currencies, which are used primarily outside existing banking and governmental institutions and are exchanged over the internet. It is a medium used to exchange goods or services just like any other currencies – USD, Euro, Yuan, Peso and others, it only happens to be in digital format. In other words, they have no physical value tied to them. As we spend more and more time online, it is a natural consequence to transmit all aspects of our life, including economical, online. It is easier, but the process of integration costs more. Today the expenses on bank transactions and revaluation are a growing expense. The digital currencies circumvent the traditional middle man – the banking system. This ensures cryptocurrencies are free of taxes and charges. The process of creating and trading with cryptocurrencies is transparent and easy to follow. The value of a digital currency is typically determined by supply and demand as traders buy and sell the currency on the public exchanges. All of the miners are in the Internet, the system is created so it doesn’t allow inflation.

FINMA – Suisse Coin

Suisse Coin

Name Suisse Coin
Adresse Ringstrasse 9, 4123 Allschwil

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